Healthy Hearty Hake
Hake does not share the high profile of similar fish such as cod and haddock, however it is every bit as delicious and versatile and is an ideal alternative that will be loved by the thrifty shopper, as it is far less expensive than the afore mentioned fish.
There are 12 species of Hake, which are widely available around the world. Hake mostly inhabit deep sea waters however some can be found in shallower waters. Hake grow up to 1 metre long and are a long narrow fish with, iron grey skin and a silver belly.
Hake is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, protein, minerals and fat-soluble minerals such as vitamin A, E and D. It is low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Although it does not get the recognition it deserves here, in Spain it accounts for approximately one third of the fish consumed and features on almost every menu. It is also widely used in Portugal, Italy and France.
Hake is a mild fish with a white flaky texture and a flavour that is more subtle than Cod. As such it is a good choice for less adventurous types who will not venture beyond salmon and familiar white fish. Hake is equally versatile as any other white fish and can be baked, fried, grilled or Barbequed.
As the soft flesh can deteriorate quickly, Hake should be used when at its freshest to ensure that the flesh remains meaty and flaky and does not turn mushy when cooked. The delicate flavour of the meat can be enjoyed with a simple sauce or flavoured butter, however Hake is robust enough to cope with strong flavours such as capers, olives, parmesan, chilli and a vast array of spices. Bacon or chorizo are also a very delicious accompaniments.
So for this week reach out for a beautifully fresh piece of Hake, and discover the delights of this often passed over fish, you will be genuinely surprised.